Thursday, April 19, 2012

Running and Shredding

Yesterday I did 30 day shred and today I ran.  I am trying hard to do C25K but I do not have an armband and I seem to keep hitting reset on my phone and resetting the program so it gets messed up.  I sort of have a track in my neighborhood  (sell choosen on the streets) that I run.  I have got to figure out how to modify my body though.  I have been running on the treadmill for so long that my impact is horrible.  I have got to figure out how to change that.  I did a mile in 14 minutes but that was with walking for the first 5 miinutes as warm up.  Not bad, but I chose a pace and I stuck with it for my running part.  Then I started just running when I felt I had caught my breath rather then waiting for the walk to start.

I have no idea how to retrain my body to run on the road so I would love a suggestion that anyone has.

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